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HypnoBirthing Study

HypnoBirthing Study

5th of September, 2023

Empowering Birth Experiences: A Qualitative Study on Hypnobirthing

The following study - "Women’s experiences with hypnobirthing – A qualitative study": https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877575623000800, explores the experiences of women who used hypnobirthing techniques during childbirth. Hypnobirthing combines elements of hypnosis to prepare women for labour, aiming to reduce fear, anxiety, and pain while promoting a positive birth experience. Through in-depth interviews, the study investigates how these techniques influenced women's childbirth experiences. Nine women, both first-time and experienced mothers, participated in the study, all of whom had completed hypnobirthing classes and given birth to full-term babies. The study identified four key themes: childbirth as a meaningful and existential event, from intellectual concept to bodily experience, creating and owning their childbirth narrative, and the transition from alternative to accessible birthing options.

Key Findings

1. Participants who chose hypnobirthing classes to prepare for childbirth, seeking to address fears and uncertainties, transformed their perspective on childbirth, shifting it from a potentially risky event to a meaningful, transformative experience. This change in perception enhanced their confidence in their body's ability to give birth, leading to a sense of pride and accomplishment.

2. Knowledge about hormonal processes and the physiology of birth provided during hypnobirthing classes was crucial for applying the techniques effectively. Participants learned to manage pain, remain focused on their bodies, and accept the unpredictable nature of childbirth. The techniques became automatic, helping women cope and maintain control during labour.

3. Partners played an active role in supporting women during labour, either directly or by understanding the techniques. The classes empowered women to make informed decisions about their childbirth experience, strengthening their belief in their ability to influence the process. They advocated for greater focus on mental preparation in public health service antenatal classes.

4. Participants challenged the notion that hypnobirthing is an alternative approach to childbirth, emphasizing its importance as a mainstream option. They expressed a desire for all women to have access to the knowledge and techniques provided by hypnobirthing classes, believing that mental preparation should be an integral part of public health service antenatal classes.


The study's findings highlight the positive impact of hypnobirthing techniques on women's childbirth experiences. Hypnobirthing not only reduced fear and anxiety but also empowered women by providing them with a sense of control, knowledge, and coping strategies. Participants embraced the unpredictability of childbirth, viewing it as a meaningful, transformative event. Partners' involvement and informed decision-making were key components of a positive childbirth experience. The study underscores the importance of integrating mental preparation into mainstream antenatal classes, making hypnobirthing techniques more accessible to all women.

This study suggests that hypnobirthing techniques can significantly enhance women's childbirth experiences by reducing fear, increasing confidence, and promoting a sense of control. Health care providers and policymakers may consider incorporating mental preparation and hypnobirthing techniques into standard antenatal care to improve women's overall birthing experiences. Further research may be needed to explore the effectiveness of such integration and its impact on a larger scale.

Way forward

If you are interested in hypnobirthing, here are some notable providers:

1. The HypnoBirthing Institute (UK): The HypnoBirthing Institute is a well-established organization offering HypnoBirthing classes in the UK. They have certified instructors throughout the country.

2. The Wise Hippo: The Wise Hippo is a popular hypnobirthing program in the UK that focuses on empowering women to have positive birth experiences. They have certified instructors offering classes across the UK.

3.. Natal Hypnotherapy - Natal Hypnotherapy offers a range of resources, including hypnobirthing classes, CDs, and books. Their classes are taught by certified instructors in different parts of the UK.

4. The Calm Birth School - The Calm Birth School offers online hypnobirthing courses and has received positive feedback from many UK-based parents. Their online platform provides flexibility for expectant parents.

I hope this information helps, please message me if you have any questions,
